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All files from 2017 to 2030 

The drives are huge - please allow up to 72 hours for them to fully populate. 

There are around 20000 files in the drives - enough of a library to fully run any print or boutique business.



Effective immediately - all members [lifetime and BIA] must sign.  If you refuse to sign, you will still have access to drive but removed from group/requests and not allowed back in future.

1) No sharing assets in any manner.  This means if you have an assistant [virtual or in person] they are NOT allowed to use the assets in drive to create mockups for their group/charge for mock ups/make money in ANY form on digital uses.  

2) No sharing sources/resources.  If I share where something comes from DOWN TO FONTS, it is proprietary to my business. Sharing with other designers or non members is not allowed.

3) You cannot be in business or appear to have active interest in other designer's businesses.  One, it is confusing to customers and I get screenshots and they ask me about if I also am in business with you/them.  Two, the lines get blurry when you work for another designer AND have BIA.

4) No copying other members.  There are quite a few designs in drive that are set up for you to personalize by adding your own phrases, quotes, etc.  Copying another members work, copying their titles, tags, SEO and descriptions are all grounds for removal or non return invitation.

5) Clipart resources - I often share my resources for clipart [see 2 above] so that you can create pockets or icon stickers, etc.  HOWEVER, when you use those resources to create designs that are close enough to mine that customers CANCEL their customs [so they can get from you] it is not allowed.  It is out of control the BIA/LIFETIME members that pay their in house designers to copy my designs or buy the same clipart and are "inspired" but refuse to use the alphas in the drive.  

6) No bullying other members over their pricing.  Everyone has a pricing strategy, worry about you.  

7) No competing digital design sales.  If you sell digitals and they look like my digitals, then you will be removed and not welcomed back.

8) This is not a "design on demand" group. Mascot names are added as done but not guaranteed. BIA members get a discount on custom names but always have the resources in the drive to create their own names.  If you need a true custom, it needs to be purchased.  

9) This is a group that was designed for community over competition.  It was designed to be everything I longed to find when I was a printer.  If you cannot uplift a sister or a mister, then your star may need to shine brightly somewhere else.

10) These are non negotiable rules.  Drive removal without refund or not allowed to return at my discretion.  If you are removed and decide to promote negativity, then I will share screenshots and evidence.  I don't take any of this lightly and would never remove someone without rock solid evidence of deceit.

By agreeing below you acknowledge these rules and that you will forfeit any payments if you choose to not act with integrity.
Regular price $6,250.00 USD
Regular price $15,000.00 USD Sale price $6,250.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
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